Fierce Empathy Youth Treatment

A Physiology First Curriculum


We Teach

Youth Treatment Program

Community-based Programs


Staff-secure Residential

Secure Residential

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Program Goal: Provide experiences that cultivate self-sufficiency and a sense of well-being, and that invite reduced sensations of anxiety, fear, shame, aggression, and related behaviors.

Program Description: This highly engaging content-rich workshop introduces youth in treatment to cutting-edge interdisciplinary science that reveals emotions and behaviors are visceral, survival-driven adaptations to experiences, and they are contagious. Each program element includes engaging experientials involving kinesthetic, visual, and auditory learning; with strong scientific foundation.

Program outline:

1)      Discover your tools

Delivery – Fast-paced, playful, and interactive introduction with audiovisual aids

Content – Youth discover the systems of your brain and body responsible for survival emotions and behavior, and what role they play in the emotions we feel and the behaviors we demonstrate.

2)      Learn how to use your tools

Delivery – Experiential, hands-on interactive

Content – Youth are guided as they put their new knowledge into practice through an interactive game. This experiential explores common emotions and behaviors of offenders (anger, shame, yelling, aggression) and how to change them in the moment.

3)      Experience the healthy purpose for your tools

Delivery – Experiential, interactive games

Content – Youth demonstrate their new understanding of emotions and behaviors from a neurobiological standpoint – identifying their healthy survival purpose and expression.

4)      Practice using your tools in healthy ways

Delivery – Interactive roleplay

Content – Youth practice viscerally shifting from disruptive emotions to their healthy survival purpose.

Presenters: Kellie Rhodes, Aisland Rhodes

Target Audience: All youth who do not have a diagnosis of psychopathy and have demonstrated the ability to maintain safety in group settings.

Timeframe: 2 hours

Equipment required:

Room with 24 chairs

Projector and Screen, (for laptop PowerPoint)

Speakers/Audio capability

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